What are the Titan Depths?
The Depths is a vast, vertical cave system that contains multiple dungeons, enigmatic cities, great fortresses, wild cave systems, burrowed tunnels, sunless lakes, and other, stranger, spaces. It’s an arcology of dungeons, self contained and self sustaining. The once magnificent city of Xyphia, which crowns the Depths, is home to a variety of peoples many of whom rely on the ‘trade’ that comes from that relationship.
You’ll start in Xyphia, where it’s safer, but only just. The bustling centre gives out to ruined holds and rebuilt wizards towers. The Temples Of The Sun Gods thrive in Xyphia, since the caves, and their once abundant Sunstones make it a holy place for the Bright Hierarchy. Warriors and beasts are matched against the infamous Pitfighters Of Xyphia for sport. Rogues, thieves, trapsmashers and all sorts of shadowy characters mingle in the inns and taverns of the city, hoping for riches and adventure. Elves of both courts flitter back and forth robed head to foot in neutral grey. Mountain Dwarves mingle with their White Dwarf kin, each regarding each other in judgement. You’ll cling to your purses as a gang of Goblin-folk teenagers rush by, claiming to be on some errand or other. Xyphia is home to a growing uncommunity of Wanderers, whose floating heads studiously ignore each other when they accidentally meet. There are places to go where people like you get hired to do deeds they’d rather not be made public.
Beneath your feet lies Dim Town, home of the White Dwarves and starting point for many explorers. To get to it, you’ll use Zahastra’s Stairs and pay the 1 copper entrance fee. It lies opposite The Silent Ziggurat, Ghoul Warrens and the Deadmere. Walkways and shaft platforms lead to the defensive fort of Hool Keep, which in turn leads to the abandoned Torgin’s Town, and then the Dungeon of Vul. Beyond that is said to be The Womb and whatever forms there, Demongate Dungeon, the Wormstacks, and a horrific city of Mindfuckers before reaching Colossus, a vast megadungeon of many layers. If you kept falling you’d reach Fungal Town, the Bleak Caverns and then Lake Bai’Kai “The Black Sea”, home of the Pipers. But many structures unnamed and forgotten also branch from the shaft.